A Cup of Cold Water
By implementing strategically designed cooperative programs, Care Corps International strives to provide healing and reconciliation at the local, community-based level. In this way, people whose lives have been shattered and need psychological, emotional, and spiritual healing can receive a “cup of cold water” (Mt. 10:42). Below are the values that guide our plan and purpose.


We believe in the healing power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Our purpose is to build God’s Kingdom through the healing of broken hearts. We are not a secular social service organization providing psycho-social programs and psychological services . . . we are a Christian compassion education resource mission. In culturally appropriate ways we provide Biblically-based caregiving skills for Christian caregivers and always point to Jesus as the one who brings healing and new life in Christ.

Spirit Led
We seek the Holy Spirit’s guidance in every aspect of our mission to bring praise and glory to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

We partner with local Christian ministries committed to their communities. We do not blaze our own trail but come alongside those pastors, missionaries, relief and mission workers who are already at work and partner with them only by their invitation.


We commit to partnership with Evangelical missions in particular regions impacted by war and disaster for at least three years. We know that it takes time to learn how to use these caregiving and pastoral care tools to implement them in effective compassion ministry.

We train the national Christians who are directly involved in their ministry of compassion in the name of Jesus Christ. We bring Christian mental health professionals and pastoral counselors to prepare the Christians for their caregiving ministry. We prepare these pastors, mission workers, teachers, and physicians so they can understand how to bring Christ into the lives of trauma victims and give them ministry tools to help them come alongside those who have been impacted by trauma and grief due to disaster and war.

We know that children have a special place in the Father’s heart. We also know that children are often the most vulnerable during a crisis and are the most easily victimized. They are innocent and apolitical. Our Children’s Trauma Care Programs train national mission workers so they can continue this ministry of compassion to these children of war and disaster.


We have found that as God begins to heal broken hearts shattered by abuse, violence, war and disaster, then individuals and communities that have once been in conflict with one another, find common ground in God’s Word and lives transformed and healed by Jesus Christ then begin to take steps toward forgiveness and reconciliation.

Individual Care
In addition to training others we also value providing immediate on-site counseling and consulting with ongoing instruction and guidance.

Individuals and churches make it possible for us to continue this ministry of healing. We visit with various groups to tell the story of those who have gone through trauma and how God has redeemed and restored broken lives. We also recognize that this ministry is much bigger than the Care Corps staff can do on their own. We invite God’s people to partner with us . . . praying for us, serving with us, and sending us so we can go in the name of Jesus Christ who heals broken hearts.
